Zion Child Care Preschool is here when parents need us to provide their children with:
· a high-quality program that is developmentally appropriate
· an environment that is conducive to learning
· a highly experienced caring staff.
· We have child care available for children ages 6 weeks thru age 12.
· We also have 3 and 4-year-old preschool programs available.
For more information, please call 563-243-9393 or email
Faith FUNdations is Zion's Christian Education program for children to build a strong foundation in their faith. This program is held on Wednesday evenings.
Faith FUNdations is open to all children from age 3 through 5th grade. Confirmation classes are offered for grades 6-8.
Each Wednesday evening starts with a family dinner at 5:15 pm.
The program of music, devotions, and education will begin at 5:45 pm and end at 7:00 pm. Feel free to bring a friend!
Zion's youth and volunteers package meals to be distributed to local and regional food pantries.
Zion supports those in our community who are food insecure through donations to Pantries United.
We assist with other needs through Information, Referral, and Assistance Services.
Zion offers a community meal at 5:30 pm on the second Sunday of each month.
All members of the Clinton community are invited to attend this delicious meal.
*Due to covid-19 Zion's community meals are suspended until further notice.
We are committed to helping those with food and hunger issues on a larger scale through ELCA World Hunger.