Zion's first worship service was held on February 25, 1883. At this time Zion did not exist as an organized church but a service was held at another congregation's building, given in the native tongue of a large German population. Prior to this service, worship in German was not available in Clinton.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was formally organized on March 4, 1883.
Zion began as a congregation for those of German heritage to be able to congregate with those of the same heritage and worship at a service in their language.
In 1886 the Zion Day Care, which had been in operation since Zion was organized, had its own building built for the education of the children of Zion members.
In 1888 the Zion Luther League was organized.
When Wartburg College relocated from Mendota, IL to Clinton in 1894, Zion became their "Mother Church."
Many Wartburg faculty and students participated in Zion's activities allowing the congregation interaction which helped enrich the cultural and educational climate of the community.
In 1896 the Ladies' Aid Society was organized.
In 1899 the first pipe organ was installed.
In 1918, due to the anti-German sentiments of World War I, an English worship service was introduced. By 1923, Zion was offering two separate worship services each week, one in German and one in English.
In 1938 the church building was rebuilt.
In 1943 Zion began broadcasting worship services on KROS radio.
In 1953 a new and larger Parish Hall was constructed.
In 1966 construction began on a new sanctuary and larger parish hall. The new construction joined the previously separate buildings.
In 1974 Zion began holding worship services on Saturday evenings as well as Sunday mornings.
In 1981 the Zion Day Care was established. Over the years, Zion Day Care would evolve to become Zion Child Care and Preschool.
In 2007construction began on the Zion Child Care building which would move the programming from the Parish Hall to its own building.
In 2013 construction began on an addition to the Sanctuary and Parish Hall. This addition served to add office space, an updated Library, and a main gathering area.
As Lutherans, our belief is centered around our confessions and our prayers. Our primary confession is the Apostles' Creed:
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Our primary prayer is the one that Jesus taught his disciples, The Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.
As Lutherans, we follow the teachings of Martin Luther who lived in the 1500′s. His teachings centered on scripture that teaches – we are saved by grace alone and by the holy and precious blood of Christ.
Worship in the Christian assembly is biblical. Biblical language and imagery have historically been adapted and shaped to form the language through which God’s people pray, sing, and address both God and one another. A common lectionary – a shared list of biblical readings – connects worshiping communities through the use of the same readings on the same day, while assisting the assembly in encountering the breadth of the scriptures.
To read more about Lutheran beliefs, you may visit: http://www.elca.org/Faith/ELCA-Teaching/Luther-and-Lutheranism
Pastor Julie Higgs comes to Zion with almost 28 years of experience as a pastor. She served in three congregations, the Southeastern Iowa Synod office, and Wartburg Theological Seminary. She’s a “second-career” pastor, having worked as a fiscal and policy analyst for the California State Legislature—late in the last century. She’s a double Wartburger—meaning she attended both Wartburg College (BA in Political Science 1982) and Wartburg Seminary (M.Div. 1996). In 2013 she earned a D.Min. in preaching from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.
When asked to describe herself on her ELCA paperwork—in 50 words or less—Pastor Julie wrote, “I am a forgiven sinner called by God to serve in congregational ministry with engaging and authentic worship and preaching, teaching where people grow in faith, reaching out to the most vulnerable in the world, treating all people with respect, and sharing God’s grace in Christ with all I encounter.”
Pastor Julie was born in Colorado, and still considers it home even though she’s lived in Iowa longer than in Colorado. She married an Iowa boy, Keith Staley, ten years ago. Keith retired several years ago from a career as an occupational therapist. They have a fierce Schnauzer/Australian shepherd rescue dog who doesn’t meet people well, but who is quite loveable once she decides you’re not a threat. Keith has three children, from whom he and Pastor Julie are delighted to have seven grandchildren.
She loves reading light fiction and occasional weightier tomes, eating food that other people have cooked, finding reasons to laugh, and rubber chickens.
Email: pastorjulie@zionlutheranclinton.org
Email: officeadministrator@zionlutheranclinton.org
Amanda Deuermeyer was born and raised in Clinton, Iowa. She is a graduate of Clinton High School.
Amanda has a teenage daughter, Peyton, who keeps Amanda on her toes.
In her off time, Amanda enjoys being involved with programs that help those in need in her community, spending time with her daughter, going to see live music, and reading anything she can get her hands on.
Email: zioncc-ps@hotmail.com
Kelly Bork was born and raised in Clinton, Iowa. She is a 1994 graduate of Mater Dei High School.
Kelly started with Zion Child Care Preschool in 1997 as a child care teacher while attending Clinton Community College. She graduated in 1999 from CCC with her Associates of Arts Degree. She took quite a few courses at the college in early childhood and elementary education for her electives.
In October of 2001, Kelly became the Assistant Director and in July of 2008, she took over as the Director. Kelly and her husband Ray were married in 1999. They have two children together named Morgan and Landon and Ray has 3 adult children.
Kelly truly enjoys working with the staff, children, and their families here at Zion. She feels so blessed to have been able to work with such great people over the years and cannot imagine doing anything else.
Email: Email: music@zionlutheranclinton.org
Pat was born and raised in Clinton. While he has lived in other parts of the country in his early adult life, he has been back in Clinton since 1987.
Pat married his wife, Tracy, in 1998. Their blended family consists of two adult sons (Tim and Nick) and an adult daughter (Rebecca).
In his free time, Pat enjoys spending time with Tracy on the river in their boat or at their family's cabin.